All O'Reilly logos & signage use the same color standard.
O'Reilly Green |
PMS 355 |
C - 100%, M -0%, Y - 91%, K - 6% |
O'Reilly Red |
PMS 485 |
C - 0%, M - 100%, Y - 91%, K - 0% |
O'Reilly Yellow |
PMS 102 |
C - 0%, M -0%, Y - 100%, K - 0% |
O'Reilly Black |
PMS Process Black |
C - 0%, M - 0%, Y - 0%, K - 100% |
O'Reilly Green |
RGB Hex Values |
#009D57 |
O'Reilly Red |
RGB Hex Values |
#C60000 |
O'Reilly Yellow |
RGB Hex Values |
#FFF200 |
O'Reilly Black |
RGB Hex Values |
#000000 |
All CSK logos & signage use the same color standard.
CSK Red |
PMS 485 |
C - 0%, M - 100%, Y - 91%, K - 0% |
CSK Blue |
PMS 286 |
C - 100%, M - 66%, Y - 0%, K - 2% |
CSK Black |
PMS Process Black |
C - 0%, M - 0%, Y - 0%, K - 100% |
CSK Red |
RGB Hex Values |
#C62009 |
CSK Blue |
RGB Hex Values |
#294194 |
CSK Black |
RGB Hex Values |
#000000 |
PNG file - this file type can be use in powerpoint presentation or website applications. This file type allows you to place the logo on a color background and not see a white box around the logo.
JPG file - this file type is for placing a logo on a website. This format does have a white box around the logo.
PDF file - this file is a portable document file which is a compressed high resolution version. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view this file.
EPS file - this file is a high resolution vector file. You will be able to proportionately scale this to any size needed. You will need Adobe Illustrator to open and edit this file. |
Please follow these to ensure that our logo is kept intact.
-DO NOT scale the logo unproportionately.
-DO NOT alter the logo color scheme.
-DO NOT allow background colors to show through parts of the logo.
-DO NOT redraw or modify elements of the logo.(Stroke path or width)
-DO NOT reset the letters of the logo in any other typeface.
-DO NOT print the logo in any color other than the approved colors.
-DO NOT undersize, oversize, or angle the logo.
(Make sure it fits in its space) |